Dear Brian,

It goes without saying that satisfied customers are the stock in trade
of any decent car dealer. In a consignment situation though, the dealer
has two customers to satisfy — customers who want to achieve exactly the opposite result, financially.

To make matters even more complicated, you sell a true niche product.  How many people out there are even capable of appreciating — much less, actually paying for — the details of a really nice Pagoda SL?

It takes a unique talent to find special cars and the people who
appreciate them. And in 48 hours time, you did just that. You sold my SL despite the fact that there was no ad posted, a buyer and seller on opposite ends of the country, and a broker who was nowhere near either of them.

Yes, the Web helped with this transaction, but there's no question in
my mind that your personal reputation, knowledge, and integrity were
all what ultimately facilitated the sale.

I wanted the sale of my SL to be handled in a manner appropriate for a special car and that's precisely what you delivered.

Many thanks, Brian.

Yours sincerely,
Douglas Kim
New York, NY

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